Manifest More Money in 2023: 111 Positive Affirmations to Attract Financial Wealth

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a financial rut, struggling to reach your next-level financial goals, or believe that you are worthy of the financial abundance that you desire? If any of the above resonate with you, then it’s time to rewrite your money story with the help of positive affirmations. These simple statements are used to reprogram our subconscious minds in order to believe that we are worthy of the financial life that we desire. When hard work and sheer force isn’t getting us there, it’s often a sign that it is time for us to work on the mindset piece. After all, your mindset truly is everything!

In this blog post, we will share 111 affirmations to help you shift your mindset and reprogram your subconscious mind into believing that you are worthy of financial abundance.

Understanding the Power of Affirmations

Before we dive into the affirmations themselves, let's talk about the power of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to reprogram your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the unconscious part of your brain that is responsible for your beliefs and habits. When we repeat an affirmation, we are telling our subconscious mind what we believe to be true. The more that we repeat an affirmation, particularly in the moments where we are feeling doubt, the more that our mind begins to believe them. Which, in turn, helps us to manifest the desires that we have!

Affirmations can be repeated on their own, either aloud, in your head, or written down, or they can be repeated through a somatic practice like EFT tapping for Breathwork.

111 Positive Affirmations for Manifesting Money and Financial Abundance

  1. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.

  2. I am grateful for the abundance of wealth in my life.

  3. Every day, I am becoming more prosperous.

  4. My financial situation is improving day by day.

  5. I am worthy of financial abundance and success.

  6. My bank account is overflowing with money.

  7. I am open to receiving unexpected financial blessings.

  8. I release all negative beliefs about money and welcome abundance.

  9. I am capable of creating unlimited wealth.

  10. Money is a tool that empowers me to live the life I desire.

  11. I am surrounded by opportunities to make money.

  12. My wealth consciousness is increasing every day.

  13. I am a money magnet and attract abundance effortlessly.

  14. I believe in my ability to create financial freedom.

  15. I am deserving of wealth and financial success.

  16. My mind is focused on attracting financial abundance.

  17. I am financially secure and free to live my best life.

  18. Wealth is my birthright and I claim it now.

  19. I am in control of my financial destiny.

  20. I am abundant in all areas of my life, including my finances.

  21. The universe is conspiring to bring me wealth and prosperity.

  22. My bank account is growing every day.

  23. I am grateful for the money that flows into my life.

  24. I am worthy of all the financial abundance that comes my way.

  25. My thoughts are aligned with financial abundance and prosperity.

  26. I am attracting wealth and success into my life effortlessly.

  27. I am a powerful money manifestor.

  28. I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.

  29. Money flows to me from all directions.

  30. I am worthy of receiving large amounts of money.

  31. My income is constantly increasing.

  32. I am financially free to pursue my passions and dreams.

  33. My bank account is abundant and overflowing.

  34. I attract money and abundance into my life with ease.

  35. Financial success is my birthright and I claim it now.

  36. I am grateful for the wealth and abundance in my life.

  37. Money is a positive and empowering force in my life.

  38. I am a master of my finances and create abundance effortlessly.

  39. I am surrounded by supportive people who help me achieve financial success.

  40. I am open to receiving financial blessings from unexpected sources.

  41. I am worthy of experiencing financial abundance in all areas of my life.

  42. I believe in my ability to create financial abundance and success.

  43. I am constantly attracting wealth and prosperity into my life.

  44. My financial situation is improving every day.

  45. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way to make money.

  46. I am a powerful money magnet and attract abundance effortlessly.

  47. I am worthy of receiving financial blessings beyond my wildest dreams.

  48. Money is a positive and empowering force in my life.

  49. I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life, including my finances.

  50. My financial situation is improving rapidly and effortlessly.

  51. I am worthy of achieving financial freedom and abundance.

  52. I am surrounded by wealth and abundance every day.

  53. I am capable of manifesting unlimited wealth and abundance.

  54. My bank account is constantly growing and expanding.

  55. Money is a tool that allows me to live my best life.

  56. I am grateful for the abundance of wealth in my life.

  57. I am attracting wealth and abundance into my life effortlessly.

  58. Financial abundance is my natural state of being.

  59. I am worthy of experiencing financial freedom and prosperity.

  60. My thoughts and actions are aligned with financial success.

  61. I am a magnet for money and financial abundance.

  62. I trust that the universe always provides for me financially.

  63. I am capable of creating multiple streams of income.

  64. My wealth and abundance grow with every passing day.

  65. I am worthy of having a life of financial abundance and joy.

  66. I am grateful for the wealth that I already have in my life.

  67. I am surrounded by abundance in all aspects of my life.

  68. Money comes to me easily and frequently.

  69. I am always open to receiving new opportunities to make money.

  70. I have an abundance mindset that attracts wealth and prosperity.

  71. My financial success benefits not only myself but also others around me.

  72. I am a wealthy and abundant being in all aspects of my life.

  73. I deserve to live a life of financial freedom and independence.

  74. I am attracting abundance in all forms, including financial abundance.

  75. My bank account is always filled with more money than I need.

  76. I am capable of making wise financial decisions that benefit me in the long run.

  77. I am grateful for the financial lessons I have learned, which have made me wiser and more prosperous.

  78. I am open to receiving financial blessings from the universe.

  79. I am always taking steps towards achieving financial abundance and success.

  80. I have an unwavering faith in my ability to attract wealth and prosperity into my life.

  81. My financial situation is constantly improving and growing.

  82. I am worthy of having a life filled with financial abundance and happiness.

  83. I am grateful for the money that I have, and I am open to receiving even more.

  84. I am capable of manifesting any amount of wealth that I desire.

  85. I am constantly learning and growing in my financial journey towards abundance.

  86. I am surrounded by people who support and encourage my financial success.

  87. My positive attitude towards money attracts more of it into my life.

  88. I am always finding new and creative ways to increase my income.

  89. I am worthy of receiving the financial abundance that I desire and deserve.

  90. I am grateful for the financial opportunities that come my way, no matter how small they may seem.

  91. I am open to receiving financial abundance from all directions, known and unknown.

  92. My financial abundance allows me to live my life to the fullest.

  93. I am capable of making money doing what I love.

  94. My financial success is a result of my hard work and dedication.

  95. I am worthy of having a life filled with financial security and abundance.

  96. I am always attracting more money and wealth into my life, no matter what.

  97. I am grateful for the abundance of financial resources and knowledge available to me.

  98. I am capable of achieving financial freedom and abundance in my life.

  99. I am constantly improving my financial situation through smart investments and decisions.

  100. I am surrounded by positive energy that attracts financial abundance into my life.

  101. My financial abundance allows me to give back to those in need and make a positive impact in the world.

  102. I am worthy of receiving financial blessings beyond my wildest dreams.

  103. I am open to receiving financial abundance without any limits or restrictions.

  104. My financial success is a reflection of my inner peace and harmony.

  105. I am grateful for the financial prosperity that comes to me effortlessly.

  106. I am capable of creating a legacy of wealth and abundance for generations to come.

  107. I am always attracting abundance in all areas of my life, including my finances.

  108. My financial success is a result of my positive and abundant mindset.

  109. I am worthy of having a life of financial abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

  110. My financial abundance allows me to live the life of my dreams

  111. I trust that the universe always provides for me financially.

How to Use Affirmations for Manifesting Money and Financial Abundance

Using affirmations to manifest money and financial abundance requires consistency and dedication. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your affirmation practice:

  1. Set an intention: Before you start repeating your affirmations, set an intention for what you want to manifest. Be specific about the amount of money you want to attract, or the financial situation you want to improve.

  2. Repeat your affirmations daily: Repeat your affirmations at least once a day, ideally in the morning when you wake up or before you go to bed at night. Say your affirmations out loud, and believe in the words you’re saying.

  3. Visualize your success: As you repeat your affirmations, visualize yourself achieving your financial goals. Imagine yourself living the life of financial abundance you desire.

  4. Take action: Affirmations alone won’t bring you financial abundance. You need to take action towards your goals. Use your affirmations as motivation to take the necessary steps towards achieving your financial dreams.

Manifesting money, rewriting your money story, and shifting your mindset on financial abundance is possible with the right beliefs and tools. Repeating these affirmations is a simple and powerful way to experience these shifts, rather quickly.

As you repeat them, remember to stay positive, stay consistent, and take action towards your goals. With these 111 affirmations, you have everything you need to manifest the financial abundance you deserve. Start using them today and watch as your mindset towards money changes for the better.


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